The Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics and the co-organizer, invite agricultural economist and other academicians, researchers, policy makers and students to participate in the International Conference and Congress of The Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (ICC-ISAE) held in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia on 23 -25 August 2017.
Keynote Speakers:
1. Dr. Bambang Susantono (Vice President of Asian Development Bank)
2. Prof. Dr. Hitosi Yonekura (Tohoko University, Japan)
Invited Speakers:
- Professor Thomas Reardon (Michigan State University, USA)
- Dale Yi (University of Adelaide, Australia)
- Petra Meekers (Director CSR and Sustainable Development, Musim Mas Netherlands)
- Lim Sian Choo (Group Head of Corporate Secretariat Services and CSR BGA Group, Malaysia)
- Professor Damayanti Buchori (ZSL/Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
- Meine van Noorwijk (Expert ICRAF, Netherlands)
- Professor Pieter Glasbergen (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
- Professor Ryohei Kada (Shijyonawate Gakuen University, Osaka-Japan)
- Professor Kentaro Yoshida (Nagasaki University, Japan)
- Marcel Djama, CIRAD (Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, France)
- Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
- Professor Teki Surraya (Adikavi Nannaya University, India)
- Professor Helmi (Andalas University, Indonesia)
- Professor I Gde Pitana (Udayana University, Indonesia)
- Shaufique F. Sidique (Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, Malaysia)
- Khuram Nawaz Saddozai (The University of Agricultural Peshawar, Pakistan)
- Mari Elka Pangestu, Ph.D (Minister of Trade of Republic of Indonesia 2004-2011 / Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic of Indonesia 2011-2014)
- Bayu Krisnamurthi (President of ISAE / Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia)
- Titik Anas (AIPEG / Padjajaran University, Indonesia)
Please find the material presented on the International Conference below:
The ICC-ISAE 2017 committee provides the proceedings in the form of an e-pdf (e-proceedings) for free and the committee does not provide hardcopy to facilitate access for you. E-Proceedings can be downloaded at the following link:
Please see the documentation of the activities that have been carried out during the events: