The Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics and the co-organizer, invite agricultural economist and other academicians, researchers, policy makers and students to participate in the International Conference and Congress of The Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (ICC-ISAE) held in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia on 23 -25 August 2017.

Keynote Speakers:
1. Dr. Bambang Susantono (Vice President of Asian Development Bank)
2. Prof. Dr. Hitosi Yonekura (Tohoko University, Japan)

Invited Speakers:

  1. Professor Thomas Reardon (Michigan State University, USA)
  2. Dale Yi (University of Adelaide, Australia)
  3. Petra Meekers (Director CSR and Sustainable Development, Musim Mas Netherlands)
  4. Lim Sian Choo (Group Head of Corporate Secretariat Services and CSR BGA Group, Malaysia)
  5. Professor Damayanti Buchori (ZSL/Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
  6. Meine van Noorwijk (Expert ICRAF, Netherlands)
  7. Professor Pieter Glasbergen (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
  8. Professor Ryohei Kada (Shijyonawate Gakuen University, Osaka-Japan)
  9. Professor Kentaro Yoshida (Nagasaki University, Japan)
  10. Marcel Djama, CIRAD (Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, France)
  11. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
  12. Professor Teki Surraya (Adikavi Nannaya University, India)
  13. Professor Helmi (Andalas University, Indonesia)
  14. Professor I Gde Pitana (Udayana University, Indonesia)
  15. Shaufique F. Sidique (Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, Malaysia)
  16. Khuram Nawaz Saddozai (The University of Agricultural Peshawar, Pakistan)
  17. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ph.D (Minister of Trade of Republic of Indonesia 2004-2011 / Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic of Indonesia 2011-2014)
  18. Bayu Krisnamurthi (President of ISAE / Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia)
  19. Titik Anas (AIPEG / Padjajaran University, Indonesia)

Please find the material presented on the International Conference below:

The ICC-ISAE 2017 committee provides the proceedings in the form of an e-pdf (e-proceedings) for free and the committee does not provide hardcopy to facilitate access for you. E-Proceedings can be downloaded at the following link:

Please see the documentation of the activities that have been carried out during the events: