Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE) is a professional organization that acts as a forum for the gathering of enthusiasts and observers of agricultural economics. Through these organization, all members can enhance their roles and contributions to develop agricultural economics and its application in national development. This year, ISAE will held an International Conference and Congress on 23-26 August 2017 in Bali, Indonesia. On the occasion, ISAE held a paper competition for students interested in agricultural economics. Through the competition, ISAE is trying to give opportunities for the young generation in Indonesia to participate in giving some suggestions to improve agricultural conditions through a culture of critical thinking by using a scientific approach.
“Social Economics of Sustainable Food and Agriculture: Youth Perspectives”
- Participants of this competition are undergraduate students from Indonesia (shown by letter of information from head of department)
- Participant is a group not an individual student. Each group consist of 3 students at least from two difference department or difference faculty in the same university.
- Authors are required to certify that their papers represent original works and are previously unpublished elsewhere. Simultaneous submission to any other conference, workshop or journal is strictly prohibited.
- Plagiarism and auto-plagiarism are strictly prohibited. So, all of participants should make a statement of originality.
- Each group can only send one paper to the committee.
- Each group in the writing of the paper, should be supervised by one lecturer.
- The jury’s decision can’t be contested.
- Every paper that has been submitted become the right of the committee. The committee can publish it in form of book, proceedings, and other forms of publication.
- Submissions that do not follow the conference submission rules and format will be disqualified.
Basic Submission Rules
Language | English |
Paper length | HVS – A4Abstract: less than 300 words within 2 pages
Full paper: within 15 pages, including references, tables/charts, and keywords |
Key words | 3 – 5 words |
Font | 12 – Times New Roman |
Paragraph | 1.5 spaced |
Margin | Normal(Top: 2.5 cm; Bottom: 2.5 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 3 cm) |
Page numbers | Bottom-centered |
Format | MS Word-compatible file and pdf file |
Structure | Paper consists of:1. Cover
2. Abstract 3. Table of Contents 4. Approval Page 5. Statement of Originality 6. Introduction (Background and Objectives) 7. Literature Review / Theory 8. Research Methods 9. Result and Discussion 10. Conclusion and Recommendation 11. References 12. Author Biography (Each member is described in one paragraph + photo) |
Main Text
The length of each article must not exceed 15 pages. It must be submitted as an MS Word file and PDF file, using Times New Roman 12 font, and typed 1.5-spaced on A4 paper setting. Use American rather than British spelling. Numbers from zero to nine should be written out (e.g., three); Arabic numerals should be used for all other numbers (e.g., 14). Dates should be written as follows: April 14, 2017.
Tables & Figures
Each table and figure (accompanied by the original tabulated data) must be numbered in order, and placed at the end of the article. To facilitate layout and type setting, the editable files of the tables and figures will be required when a paper is accepted for publication. Text for tables should not be smaller than 9 points. Scanned or digital photos should be in high resolution (minimum of 300 dpi).
All measurements should be expressed using International System of Units (SI). The US Dollar equivalent should be given when other monetary units are used.
Each reference must be mentioned in the text as a continuous quotation. Use Harvard citation style.
For examples:
Arnell, Nigel W. 2004. ‘Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios’. Global Environment Change 14 (1): 31-52.
Cochrane, A. 2007. Understanding urban policy: a critical approach. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA.
Paper Submission Guidance and Deadline
Paper must be submitted as Microsoft Word file and PDF file, less than 2 MB.
Sent via email: with subject ISAE Competition_ Title
Important date:
Submission of paper: 25 July, 2017
Period of judging: 26 July – 10 August, 2017
Winner announcement: 15 August, 2017
Board of Jury
- Dr. Amzul Rifin, SP, MA (Bogor Agricultural University)
- Prof (R). Dr. Ir. Erizal Jamal, MS (Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Siti Rahayu, MS (Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta)
- Dr. Ir. Rosihan Asmara, SP, MP (Brawijaya University)
- Dr. Hasnah, SP, M.Sc (Andalas University)
- Dr. Ir. Wahida, MS (PSEKP / Agricultural Attache of Republic of Indonesia in Brussel)
- Feryanto, SP, M.Si (Bogor Agricultural University)
- Group representative (1 person) from the best paper will be invited for presentation on International Congress and Conference, in Sanur, Bali 23-26 August 2017 (free transportation and accommodation). Grand Prize: Rp 5.000.000,- + certificate
- 2nd Place: certificate + Rp 3.000.000,-
- 3rd Place: certificate + Rp 2.000.000,-